New Fire Truck for Setting Lake

Jeff Henry and Rick Morris deliver Pumper One to Setting Lake firehall

Pumper One settles into its new home

Photo credit: Hugh Fraser

Setting Lake Volunteer Fire Department has a new fire truck. Fire Chief Jeff Henry says, “We are delighted…the new (read ‘gently used’) pumper represents a significant leap forward in fighting structural and wildfires and protecting our lakeside community! It will help our dedicated team of firefighters respond to emergencies more efficiently and effectively.  Pumper One will support Setting Lake cabin owners and the neighbouring mutual aid communities of Wabowden and Paint Lake for years to come.”

The pumper, a 1979 GMC 7000 King Seagrave is a gift from Paint Lake Volunteer Fire Department. The official handover happened at the Paint Lake fire hall in September when PLVFD Fire Chief Frank DeRose passed the keys to Jeff and the truck headed off down Highway 6 to its new home at Setting Lake. Paint Lake donated the pumper to Setting Lake after receiving a similar gift – a retired fire truck from Thompson Fire and Emergency Services.

Paint Lake Fire Chief Frank DeRose hands over the keys to Pumper One to Setting Lake Chief Jeff Henry

Photo credit – Hugh Fraser

Pumper One, which carries 800 gallons of water onboard and can pump up to 600 gallons per minute, will save our volunteer firefighters crucial time in emergency situations. It will allow them to respond more effectively and begin fighting a fire as soon as they arrive at the scene. And as the first responders use the pumper’s first 800 gallons of water to begin dousing the flames, other volunteers will use Pumper One’s portable pumps and hoses to refill the truck from the lake.

According to Chief Henry, “A single Wajax Mark 3 pump can feed Pumper One with enough lake water to attack a fire with two one-and-a-half inch fire hoses. For larger fires, we will be able to hook up additional pumps. That will give us a lot more lake water, so we’ll be able to fight larger fires more effectively and put them out more quickly. In the past firefighters lost precious time hauling pumps, hoses, fuel, tools. and equipment to the lake before they could even begin to attack a fire. In winter, even more time was lost drilling holes in the ice.”

The pumper not only increases the amount of water available to battle fires; its increased water pressure enhances the safety of firefighters by allowing them to fight fires from a greater distance. Sirens and flashing lights mean safer transportation to a fire scene. And with their own fire truck, Setting Lake volunteer firefighters can now train and practise with neighbouring fire departments.

At the fire department’s first practice with the truck, SLVFD member Rick Morris, who also serves as Wabowden Fire Chief and is a Certified Emergency Services Instructor, trained firefighters to run the pumping systems, hoses, and nozzles. The crew tested Pumper One’s capacity and flexibility and found it works extremely well.

Setting Lake firefighters inspect Pumper One

Photo credit – Jeff Henry

SLVFD firefighters set up a water pump at the boat launch

Photo credit – Jeff Henry

SLVFD firefighters lay out hoses connecting Pumper One to the lakeshore water pump

Photo credit – Jeff Henry

Laurent Auger and Margaret Friesen test Pumper One’s pumping capacity.

Photo credit – Jeff Henry

On behalf of the Setting Lake Fire Department, Chief Henry thanks the Paint Lake Volunteer Fire Department members for their generosity and their commitment to enhancing the region’s emergency response services.

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