Fire Training/Practice

Fire Training/Practice

April 10, 2022

Wildfire is an ever-present threat to our community. Last summer’s wildfire season was one of the most severe we’ve seen since the record-setting summer of 1989. Last year nearly 450 wildfires burned across the province and more than 4,000 Manitobans were evacuated from northern communities.

Manitoba Conservation and Climate - Wildfire Service, the agency responsible for preventing, detecting, and suppressing wildfires, works in close cooperation with other fire fighting agencies and jurisdictions, including the Setting Lake Fire Department.

To enhance our community’s ability to respond quickly and effectively to active wildfires, Wildfire Service staff, Rob Kraychuk and Bernard Jonasson, will be training fire department volunteers on the use of specialized wildfire suppression sprinkler systems.

There will be a presentation and short video followed by a hands-on practice. Please budget about 2 hours for the training session.

Setting Lake Cottage Owners Association members over the age of 18 who are interested in joining the department - as a firefighter, an emergency medical responder, or a fire and emergency support volunteer - are invited to attend.

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