Setting Lake Landfill Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Who can use the landfill and lagoon?
The landfill and lagoon are for the use of Setting Lake Cottage Owners Association members.
Because of new Provincial regulations, SLCOA’s limited operating budget, and the fact that association operates on a volunteer basis, the landfill may not meet all our members’ disposal needs.
2. What items can I take to the landfill?
There are designated areas for household kitchen waste, beverage containers (plastic and glass bottles, aluminum cans), clean recyclable glass containers, metal (see FAQ 5), approved combustible materials (see FAQ 6), batteries (see FAQ 7), clean tree stumps, propane tanks, concrete, animal and fish remains.
3. What goes into the lagoon?
Only human waste and grey water can be dumped in the lagoon. If it were ever to become contaminated with toxic chemicals i.e. paint thinners, oil, gasoline, etc. the cost of the clean-up would be astronomical, and it would be borne by the association and cabin owners.
4. Can I dispose of recyclables?
You may dispose of beverage containers (plastic bottles, aluminum cans), clean recyclable glass containers, lead-acid batteries, and propane tanks in designated areas.
Please take other recyclables to your closest recycling centre in Thompson or another location.
5. What items can I dispose of in the kitchen waste area?
You can drop off household kitchen waste in the designated household waste area. Household kitchen waste is routinely buried and relocated as needed.
***Members should not deposit plastics, tin cans, glass, paper products, metal, foam, or insulation in the household waste area.***
The kitchen waste area is small and the more items we dispose of here, the life of the landfill will be greatly decreased.
6. What items can I dispose of in the metals area?
You can dispose of most clean metals that are free of oil, gas or other contaminants, including kitchen ranges that don’t have a lot of electronic components, and empty boat gas tanks.
7. What can I drop off in the burn area?
The government regulations state that only separated and readily combustible materials may be burned. This includes:
Non-salvageable untreated wood
Packaging materials derived from wood.
Paper products
Burning of any other materials is prohibited.
8. What items are not accepted in the burn area?
A good rule to follow – If you’re not sure, it probably isn’t allowed.
Appliances containing freon (i.e. refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners)
Appliances with electronic components (i.e. microwave ovens)
Chemically treated fabrics
Composite boards
Electronic waste (E Waste)
Finished furniture
Household garbage
Glass and glass containers
Hazardous waste
Sewage and wastewater
Man-made synthetics
Materials constructed with glues, finishes, or preservatives
Oils and petroleum products
Paints and stain
Pesticide containers
Petroleum containers
Treated plywood
Pressure-treated wood of any type
Propane tanks
Railway ties
Tin cans
9. Can I bring waste from home or other locations?
No. Only waste generated from your Setting Lake residence is allowed.
10. Lead acid batteries are recyclable. Why can’t I drop off other recyclables?
A parent collects and sells batteries to raise funds to cover his child’s medical expenses. The individual picks up the batteries on a regular basis.
If you are dropping off a battery, please insure it is not damaged to prevent injury to anyone else handling it.
11. Aluminum cans are recyclable. Why can’t I drop off other recyclables?
A community volunteer collects and sells aluminum cans to raise funds for the Wabowden Museum. The individual picks up the cans on a regular basis.
The beverage recycling bins are located next to the attendant’s shack and are clearly marked.
12. The landfill is so well-maintained it looks more like a park than a dump. Is all this work really necessary?
The new provincial regulations require that SLCOA takes every reasonable step to keep rodents and other animals out of the landfill, including mowing vegetation regularly.
13. What are my legal obligations?
The new provincial regulations state,
A person who is depositing solid waste:
must not deposit anything that the waste management facility is not authorized to accept;
must deposit the waste in a designated area of the facility.