Setting Lake’s first Wildfire Preparedness Day will be remembered for two things – a fabulous community feast – and a work bee that saw a record amount of forest cleared in a short period of time. According to Setting Lake Fire Chief Jeff Henry, “We got twice as much work done in half the time. We planned to spend the entire day clear-cutting a thirty-foot buffer around the firehall. Instead, in just four hours, we were able to cut a forty-five-foot firebreak – an area one and a half times as large as we’d hoped for. That we were able to do that is, in large part, due to efforts of Ghislain Lavoie, the cottager we all know as “Monkey”.
“Monkey donated his services and his Kubota to grab huge clam-loads of freshly cut brush from the cutting area and deliver it to the staging areas. This is normally a time-consuming, labour-intensive job; the brush has to be dragged by hand or carried by the armload. To their credit, our hard-working volunteers kept up with the Kubota, racing to fill trailers and hauling load after load to the landfill. The landfill crew was kept just as busy unloading trailers. It was a real team effort!