New Fire Reporting Number 204-677-2911

Firehall Hotline –  A Reliable Fire Reporting System and Recent Fire Department Initiatives

On behalf of the Setting Lake Fire Department and as Fire Chief, I want to take this opportunity to share some important information regarding our ongoing efforts to provide fire protection for our community.

  • Fire Reporting

I am pleased to announce that for the first time ever Setting Lake will have a reliable fire reporting system. The Province of Manitoba has approved our application for 911 service. The fire department is purchasing radios that will operate over the dedicated private network that serves Manitoba’s public safety and public service community. The 911 reporting system will be integrated with the fire department’s existing dispatch system, which notifies volunteers and calls them to duty. The integrated reporting/dispatch systems will provide reliable voice communications and will enable the department to respond to emergencies in an efficient and coordinated manner.

Setting Lake’s evolution to twenty-first century fire reporting and dispatching began two years ago when the department phased out the manual phone tree system. Without a single dedicated number to report a fire, the phone tree system meant that the first person who received an emergency call would call several other people, and they in turn would call others until everyone one the list had been called. To state the obvious, it was a labour-intensive, time-consuming, ineffective system. A new automated dispatch system was put in place in 2022, but without 911 service, reporting a fire was still a problem.

The transition  happens today on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. Cottagers will call 204-677-2911 to report a structural fire.

  • New Communication and Firefighting Equipment

The department has invested in new communications equipment, which has allowed us to dramatically improve our emergency response time. A booster was installed at the firehall so we have internet access and cell phone service.

At the same time, the department has replaced old, worn-out, incomplete sets of turnout gear (which left many of our volunteers at fire scenes in shorts and sandals) with twenty five sets of professional turnout gear, a gift from a corporate donor who wishes to remain anonymous. Our new fire truck, Pumper One, a gift from the Paint Lake Fire Department, has just been safetied, and I am working with Municipal and Northern Relations and the Office of the Fire Commissioner to have it registered, insured, and ready to respond to emergencies.

  • Reducing Insurance Premiums for Cottagers

Pumper One has allowed many cottagers to negotiate a reduction in their in their cottage insurance policy premiums because water is carried onboard the truck, reducing the response time significantly. Several cottagers report their payments have dropped by as much as $375, an amount close to the annual cottage levy.

Your insurer needs to know that Pumper One is Setting Lake’s first line of defence. Wabowden Fire Department, the closest to Setting Lake, does not have the resources to respond to structural fires in our community. If you file a claim and your policy states that Wabowden is your responder of record, the insurance company will discover this during the investigation, and your claim may be denied.

Let your insurer know that Pumper One carries 800 gallons. The new truck allows volunteers to begin fighting a fire as soon as they arrive at the scene. In the past volunteers lost precious time hauling pumps, hoses, fuel, tools. and equipment to the lake before they could even begin to attack a fire. In winter, volunteers lost even more time drilling holes in the ice.

Pumper One not only increases the amount of water available to battle fires; its increased water pressure allows our volunteers to fight fires from a greater distance, enhancing their personal safety. Pumper One’s sirens and flashing lights mean safer transportation to a fire scene. And with our own fire truck, Setting Lake volunteer firefighters can now train and practise with neighbouring fire departments and Manitoba Wildfire Service, the agency responsible for preventing, detecting, and suppressing wildfires.

  • Addressing the Risk of Wildfires

As a result of climate change and the increased threat of wildfires in our area, Manitoba Wildfire Services and Setting Lake Fire Department are working together to enhance the community’s ability to respond quickly and effectively to an emergency. In April 2022, Wildfire Services trained our volunteers on the use of specialized wildfire suppression sprinkler systems.

Later this month Wildfire Services staff and our volunteer firefighters will cut a wide firebreak and install a rooftop sprinkler system to protect the firehall and ensure that Setting Lake’s command centre, communication systems, and equipment remain operational if a wildfire threatens the community and that our firefighters are able to assist Wildfire Services crews in an emergency. This month two 1000-gallon water tanks are being installed in the firehall to drive the new sprinklers.

  • Increased Funding for New Fire Department Initiatives

In December, with the support of Wildfire Services, the fire department applied for and was awarded a Wawanesa Insurance Community Wildfire Prevention Grant for $15,000. Wawanesa received hundreds of applications from all over Canada; ours was one of only twelve grants that were approved. Key to Setting Lake’s success was the fire department’s efforts to upgrade our firefighting equipment and systems, the improvements to our response time and fire suppression capacity, and the creation of a community wildfire plan.

The Wawanesa grant will help fund Setting Lake’s Rooftop Sprinker Incentive Program, which will provide a rebate to cottagers who install rooftop sprinklers this year. For more information about rooftop sprinklers, the rebate, and to watch a sprinkler installation demonstration, drop by the firehall on Wildfire Preparedness Day on May 26.

In addition to the Wawanesa grant, Setting Lake Fire Department received a $500 FireSmart Canada grant to help fund Wildfire Preparedness Day. We were awarded a bonus $250 FireSmart grant in recognition of the steps the community is taking to become a Certified FireSmart Recognized Neighbourhood.

  • Fire Department Expands Its Services

Over the past two years, the department’s services have expanded from fire suppression to include emergency medical responders.

The department also understands the importance of community engagement and public education to prevent emergencies and mitigate risks. I am pleased to announce that this spring we are initiating a new program to increase awareness of wildfire risks and improve our preparedness.

The department will begin offering rooftop sprinkler system inspections for everyone, and FireSmart wildfire assessment services for those cottagers who have limitations that prevent them from evaluating the risk to their cottage or property. If you are interested, a FireSmart-trained volunteer firefighter can also provide recommendations to help you reduce the risk of damage or loss due to wildfire.

  • Volunteer Fire Fighter Training

Fire practice was put on hold during the pandemic. The department will resume wet practices over the summer. Ten practices are scheduled – one every two weeks – between June 2 and October 6. Firefighters will learn how to operate the new pumper; train on a variety of pumps, hoses, and nozzles; learn fire suppression techniques, and hone their skills.

In closing, I would like to thank you for your support for our outstanding volunteer firefighters, emergency responders, and fire support volunteers who serve on-call 24/7 to protect our lives and property.

Setting Lake volunteer firefighters are proud of the department’s history, our service to the community, and the direction that we are taking to improve fire protection services, emergency medical services, and community outreach. We recognize the value of community involvement, and we actively encourage your participation. Your feedback, suggestions and support are invaluable. Together, we can build a safer and stronger community.

If you would like more information on any of the department’s initiatives, or if you are interested in becoming a firefighter, an emergency medical responder, or a fire support volunteer, please feel free to contact me or Deputy Fire Chief Rick Morris.

Jeff Henry – Fire Chief                                                Rick Morris – Deputy Chief

204-803-8439                                                                  204-670-1469                                                               

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