Landfill Warning

Landfill Warning – What Happens When It’s Full?

SLCOA  President Joe Correia points to an image of illegal plastic bottles, jugs, and cans that cottage owners have dumped in the “household waste” area of the landfill. Photo credit: Hugh Fraser

Some of us are using the landfill as if we will have another one to go to when it’s full. Not so! President Joe Correia and former President, Hugh Fraser informed members that the Province of Manitoba does not want small landfill sites like ours. They warned that Setting Lake landfill has been grandfathered and will be closed once it’s full. The Province will not allow us to build a new one.

And so “sorting”, “recycling” and “illegal dumping” were front and centre at Sunday’s AGM. Responding to a member who asked if the association could put recycling bins at the landfill, the President was quick to point out that cottage owners cannot expect the Landfill Coordinator, our staff or our volunteers to haul anyone’s recyclables to Thompson.

The President reminded members that recyclables dumped in “household waste” must be buried; they cannot be burned. The result – the dump is filling up faster and will be shut down earlier than it needs to.

Several members pointed out that illegal recyclables are not the only problem; irresponsible cottagers have been dropping off bulky items like mattresses outside the landfill gate and leaving them in the bush. We have to pay a fee to The City of Thompson to dispose of them. Members agreed that our fees could be better spent.

Help the community prolong the life of our landfill. Follow the links below to find out what you can leave there, what you need to take to Thompson or another landfill, and what you can drop off at the regional recycling centre in Thompson. Share this message with your friends and neighbours. Call out or report offenders.

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